Electrical Contracting
Power System Solutions retains electrical contracting licensing in addition to professional engineering registration and licensing to provide our clients a unique design build solution for power quality and distributed generation project needs. This photo is of a year 2000 design build, utility parallel, 2 Megawatt genetrator scheme PSS provided for a Central Arkansas hospital client. Contact us at 501.327.6456 to discuss your critical bus / power factor / power quality improvement needs.

Case Study
PSS designed and built a $4.5 million project to provide cycle by cycle KVAR support for a new 4160 V MCC. The new Allen Bradley MCC was bussed out to provide power and controls to 7000 HP in client ammonia compressors at 4160 Volt. Our scope of services included demo of existing 5 KV utility service / and antiquated 5KV MCC, install a new 25KV utility distribution service consisting of (2) two paralleled 5 MVA power XFMRS, rated 25KV to 5KV that fed the new AB double-ended main tie main 4160 V motor control. A new 4 MVAR PSS Statvar Filterbank step up scheme, 600V to 4160V, provided cycle by cycle VAR support to stabilize clients power system when 5KV Ammonia compressors started from locked rotor condition. As the PSS Statvar was configured an as LC Shunt network, the Statvar also provided power system harmonic attenuation in compliance with IEEE-519, “Standard for harmonic compliance at point of common coupling” with source utility. Contact PSS to discuss your power system voltage and harmonic stability needs.